Florida Tiki Hut Builders

Why we are your ideal tiki builders

There is only one secret to getting a quality tiki hut and that is getting the best tiki hut, builder. Lucas General contractors are the leading tiki hut builders in Florida. We are committed to providing quality tiki huts that meet an individual needs.

We are constantly evolving in this industry to set the pace. Each day, we come up with different designs and styles of tiki hut to make sure we always meet our clients’ desires.

Of course, we can help bring the exact tiki hut design or style you have in your mind into reality. If you need a design option, we have loads of them in our collections. We are the leading tiki builders with over a decade of experience. We pay full attention to details to provide a tiki hut of high value.

Why choose us as your tiki hut builders

Experience is the key

In building a tiki hut, experience greatly matters. One can learn about tiki hut making from the pages of the book, but until the knowledge meets with experience there will not be productivity. In Lucas general contractors, we have been in the business of tiki hut building for over a decade.

We boast of well trained and experienced personnel to deliver a high-quality tiki hut that will meet your exact need either for your home or commercial property. Why not contact us today and let’s get started.


Our strength over the years has been our reliability and consistency. We are your reliable tiki hut builders. We do not relent in our effort to provide good tiki hut always. Knowing that there are a good number of tiki hut builders, we always strive to stand out by being consistent in our production of high-quality tiki huts. Most importantly, our tiki huts are designed to last for several years.

Good customer relationship

Establishing a good customer relationship is our core vision. We are not just interested in building an excellent tiki hut for you; we want to have a long-term relationship with you. We will assist you with expansion or other adjustments in the future.

In fact, we still have an excellent relationship with every one of our previous clients and they have become friends of the company. This is how we learn to grow and we invest a lot in it by always making sure we meet our customers demands and desires. We work with you from the start to the end.

We take pride in our works

We invest a lot in making sure we properly build the thatched tiki hut at the right time. We invest in training the members of our team to make them fit for the project. Moreover, we walk in partnership with you to understand your objectives and goals as we plan for the project. This enables us to build a perfect tiki hut, on time and within budget.

We do not take any project lightly or with levity even if the project is not a big one.

We pay complete attention to details because it matters in building a tiki hut. A small mistake in specification, design, or any other area can render the project useless.

If integrity matters to the tiki hut builder, they would have to start all over again. This certainly will result in creating new milestones, consequently, increase the time of delivery. More so, it can make the project more complex, worst of it all, it may not end, as you would want.

In Lucas general contractors, we pay full attention to even small detail because we take pride in our works. We make sure we complete the job properly and at the appropriate time.


There are different tiki hut builders, but the most important factor that differentiates us from them is our creativity. We do not want to create a tiki hut to have a one-time impression, but a long-lasting impression.

We want to stand out and this is the reason we invest a lot in improving our creativity, to build a lovable tiki hut always. We are likewise open to your ideas and we will work with you to bring your idea to reality with our touch of creativity.


We are not just professionals in tiki hut building; we also display professionalism in whatever we do- in our conduct and day-to-day transaction. Time management and corporate etiquettes are part of core principles at Lucas general contractors.

We are not just about doing business normally we seek to build professional cordial relationships. We establish good communication, we are resilient, we offer excellence, and we demonstrate integrity at all times.

We are problem solvers and good decision-makers. We challenge ourselves; we do not settle for mediocrity, if you can imagine it, we can build it. We are Lucas General contractors, the leading tiki hut builders in Florida.


How to get started with us

To get started with Lucas general contractors is a three-step process:

Step 1: Full consultation

Have a full consultation with our team of professionals to have answers to some important questions.

What is the concept of the project?

What is the purpose of the tiki hut, (perhaps for a commercial purpose)?

What is the size, design, or style of the project?

What is your expected outcome?

These questions and more allow us to create a good plan for the project.

Step 2: our crew will visit you

Our tiki hut builders will visit you to continue the conversation on the designs, styles, and different available options. We also use this opportunity to map out the perfect space for the structure based on the dimensions of the tiki hut you want.

Step 3: we kick-start the project

After creating a plan for the project based on the information we have, and other things in place, we begin the building of the tiki hut.

You can trust Lucas general contractors, to deliver a state of the art tiki hut for your residential or commercial property! Reach us today and let us build you the tropical paradise of your dreams. 

Contact Lucas General Contractors to begin your backyard project! 

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Phone: 1(888)380-2203

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